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                                         Aurora Martin                Miguel Willis
Seattle University School of Law hosted the city’s first “Social Justice Hackathon” in November 2015. The Hackathon brought together the tech and legal aid communities to create solutions that would expand access to and improve delivery of legal services.
Join our Google Hangout for a conversation with the Hackathon’s creator, Miguel Willis, and Aurora Martin, the executive director of Columbia Legal Services. We’ll talk with the two of them about the Hackathon, its results, and the potential of legal-tech collaborations.

Continue Reading Upcoming Webinar: Hacking for Justice: Legal Aid & Tech Collaborations


Effectively running a legal practice requires more than the measurement of the billable hour. And for legal departments that have escaped the billable hour, what data can they collect to demonstrate their contributions? As more firms and clients move to flat fees, together they are learning that efficiency is just one piece of the puzzle.  For firms, how satisfied are your clients? How much money did you spend acquiring your new client? What is your target profit margin? Does your flat fee cover your costs? For corporate counsel, does your department evaluate outside counsel performance? Does it report on its performance against internal and external budgets? Join our expert panel to discuss the use of Key Performance Indicators in the law and listen as they wrestle with the question: Which metrics matter?Continue Reading Upcoming Event 4/21/16: BUSINESS OF LEGAL: KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR THE LAW


I recently attended the 2016 Lawyernomics conference hosted by Avvo in Las Vegas. Before coming to conference, I really didn’t know what to expect. A conference full of lawyers looking for a way to improve their Avvo rating? Lawyers looking for an excuse to get out the office and head to Vegas?

To my surprise, I found a group of over 300 lawyers from around the nation, who genuinely sought insight on how to effectively grow their practice and efficiently reach legal consumers.Continue Reading Lawyernomics: A Conference for Consumer Centric Lawyers